Lecturer in Spanish, Praga (República Checa)

Hay información en: español e inglés
PaísRepública Checa
DescripciónLa Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Charles University está buscando un profesor de español para el centro de lenguas.
ContratoTiempo parcial
– Workload of 0.75 for 1 year (with possibility of extension)
– Expected commencement day the 1st of September 2020
– Wide range of job benefits
RequisitosYears of research experience: 1-4
Required languages
– ENGLISH: Good 
– SPANISH: Excellent 

– at least a Master’s degree
– at least two years of experience with teaching at university
– excellent active knowledge of Spanish, both spoken and written (C2 level/a native speaker) and good knowledge of English (B2 level)

The application includes:
– academic CV
– cover letter
– proof of the highest level of education achieved
ResponsabilidadesTeaching of specialized and general language courses, preparation of own teaching materials, preparation of revision and entrance examination tests, assessment of study.
SolicitudThe application must be submitted via email to kariera@fsv.cuni.cz or by mail addressed to the Personal Affairs Department of the Dean’s Office, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague, ZIP code 110 01, the Faculty of Social Sciences. Deadline for the applications is the 30th of April 2020. The application must be identified as “Lecturer of specialized and general Spanish CJP.”
PlazoPlazo: 30 abril 2020
Fuente: Euraxess

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